CREATE a personal profile that helps to attract the right
people to you

Your profile is the first and most important gateway to
everyone on a social network.

It’s your personal space and will be the first thing that people
see when they check on you.

The key to closing more sales on any social network is to
realize that only a certain percentage of the people on them
will be predisposed, eager, ready and willing to talk to you, buy
your products, or get into business with you. You must find
and focus on those people

By paying close attention to the content on their profile page,
their posts and daily activity, it will make it easier to
communicate with them and develop a relationship. This gives
you the ability to know in advance who will be the most
receptive to what you offer.

The Keyword or Advanced Searching features which allow you
to search using multiple words on a social network will enable
you to locate the best prospects that fit the demographics of
who you’re looking for in any area that you wish to promote
your business, products or service.

Knowing the type of people in your target market and having
a clear understanding who you’re most interested in
connecting with will determine how you go about searching
for them.

Don’t waste time with people who display information on their
profile page or in their posts that would indicate they won’t be
a good fit for you

Instead, focus on connecting with those people who already
seem to have a built-in need and desire for what you offer

Your best prospects fall into 3 categories:


People you’re already connected to and you actually know them.


People you’re already connected to but you don’t really know them yet.


People you’re not connected to yet, but you want to know
them because they are in your target market of prospects.

When you first begin talking to any prospect you must first
qualify them in order to find the people who would be open to
hearing about what you have to offer.

Since you have so many prospects to chose from, you ONLY
want to talk to the most qualified prospects.

When you know in advance (by their profile contents and their
daily activity) that they most likely need and want what you’re
offering, the Law of Numbers will work in your favor.

While talking to a prospect their answers to some simple
questions during a casual conversation will unsuspectingly
move them through your qualifying process

When you ask the right questions at the right time, you will
end up talking to fewer people about your business,

experience less or no rejection in the process and close more

During your conversation with a prospect you want to be
aware of possible objections before they bite you

overcome their concerns without making things awkward or
feeling like you have to be even more convincing with your

By asking the right questions you will learn more about your
prospect. You can turn every potential “NO” into an
enthusiastic “YES” without being pushy or feeling like you’re
selling them.

When you know enough about your prospect (from their
profile, their daily activity and their answers to your questions)
you can pre-frame your business, product, or service as the
ONLY solution for them to solve their problem so they eagerly
buy what you’re offering.

You MUST avoid network marketing language that negatively
and automatically triggers resistance and can cause your
prospect to stop talking to you, unfriend you, and delete you
as a connection

When talking to any prospect simply ask questions to discover
if they have a problem that you have a solution for. They
won’t even realize that you’re qualifying them. (You’ll see
excellent questions to ask in our Message you prospect section.
CLOSE THE PEOPLE Who Need and Want what You have to Offer