Optimize your profile for maximum visibility to everyone on facebook

Your profile should be written in such a way as to appeal to
the people in your target market. That way, they will want to
accept your connection requests when you reach out to them,
or when they happen to find you.

Every section of your profile must be optimized and visible to appeal to
the people in the market that you want to do business with.

You want to appear to be open, approachable, charming, knowledgeable
and friendly. Your personality, values, and passions should come through
in the content of each section of your profile.

Your profile should be written as if you’re speaking directly to the type of
person that is looking at it. Grammatically, it should be written in the 1st
person not the 3rd person.

Profile Pic is bright, happy, clear & people know it’s me when they see it
Cover Photo speaks to me and my brand
My intro speaks to me & my brand and gives people a
chance to connect with me on a page, group or through

My about me section is updated & all info is relevant to me
right now

My profile is set to public so people are more willing to
connect with me

My featured photos speak to me & my personal brand
Any posts, pics or lives that showcase my product names
or name of my company have been changed so they create
curiosity or have been removed (Last 3 months MINIMUM)
Friend’s list is updated – Quality connections rather than

Using Facebook memories each day to remove older posts
that don’t create curiosity & anything else that isn’t